Raising awareness and boosting adoption of weatherization solutions across the Pacific Northwest
Bonneville Power Administration
Portland, OR
Our award-winning home efficiency program boosted awareness of heat pumps and weatherization options in marginalized communities, leading to a measurable uptick in installs and rebates issued to low-income households.
Users connected with qualified installers via the program website
The amount by which we grew the program’s contractor network
Contractors trained on best practices via online and in-person workshops.

Weatherizing the Northwest with Comfort Ready Home
Weatherization isn’t flashy, but it’s an incredibly effective way to save energy. When our long-time partner Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) launched the weatherization program Comfort Ready Home, they tapped Evergreen Energy Partners to design and implement the program. Working directly with both residential customers and trade allies across Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Montana, Evergreen delivered outstanding results.
To deliver the ideal combination of depth and accessibility, we knew we’d need an easy-to-use website that could serve as a one stop shop for all program details. To inform what went on the site and how it was designed, we spoke with both new trade allies and BPA’s existing network to see what needed from the program. The result is a site that serves the distinct needs of both homeowners and the trades.
“Comfort Ready Home makes it easy for homeowners, contractors and utilities to connect and take advantage of the benefits of weatherization.”
More contributions to the community
We’ve been donating our expertise to those in need for more than two decades — discover how we’re having a positive impact on the communities we serve in the stories below.

Creating turnkey energy efficiency solutions for small and mid-sized utilities

No longer in the dark: Utility customers gain residential energy efficiency know-how